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What folks are saying...

"I got home yesterday and the screws were waiting.  Very happy with how they turned out---thanks and Happy New Year"  K.O. Ft Collins CO

"Griz, Just had to drop you a line! My almost 5 year old son was destroying my bookshelf today (LOL) and among the various books on fly tying, mushroom I.D., and whatnot he found my GRIZ GUIDE- Bald Eagle State forest! Man that brought back a flood of memories! from working in the bike shop (buffalo valley outdoors Mifflinburg PA) to sunday morning rides at halfway dam and poe valley, to racing in the mid atlantic super series. . . it was just a flood of memories! i just spend the last hour re-reading your book and re-living all the singletrack, long climbs, vistas, and the buddies i used to ride with. almost 15 years later, still an awesome book!!!!!! Thank you, Josh W.  Beaver Springs PA"

"Hey Griz, just got those screws back.  WOW they are sharp!!!  Thanks so much!  M. Tirrell  Wolfeboro NH

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2025 Griz Guides

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